Friday, March 30, 2007

Hello and Welcome

So I don't even know how one is supposed to start these blog thingies or what they're even good for. I just figured that a bunch of my friends and others seemed to be doing it and it seemed like fun, so I figured "why not" right?

But basically I'm doing this for the same reason that everyone else blogs . . . because I think that what I have to say is more important than what anyone else has to say. And I am quite sure that once others have had an opportunity to reflect on my innate gift, they will inevitably reach the same conclusion. Or they can just go and set up their own damn blog. I really don't care either way.

So basically this will be my forum to air my grievances, Frank Costanza-style. Sports, politics, religion, relationships . . . you name it, I'll always have something to say about it.

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